Posts Tagged With: Visa

Vaccinations, Passports And Goals

By: Rachel Womek

Mwahaha…Kiki is taking a break while I fill your heads with whatever nonsense I desire.

I have some personal good news! I received my passport today and officially asked for time off work for Egypt! I am feeling very excited and nervous.

it’s goal time!

Here are my old goals and how I did. I said I would finish a book and not star any new books, I did not finish anything but I also did not start anything. I’m giving myself a .50 for accomplishing the second half of my goal. I said I would watch a movie and i did. I saw Cabin in The Woods which I would entirely recommend. Joss Whedon can do no wrong. I said I would feel good about myself, some days I did, some not as much. Lastly I promised to write haiku which I did and posted one in an earlier blog.

New Goals:

1)Finish a book already! 2) Apply for credit cards 3) Don’t panic!

Here are Kiki’s goals:

Kiki accomplished non of her goals from last week but we can understand because she has a lot on her plate. She did get vaccinated for tetanus, meningitis and yellow fever so she has completed some trip related actions. Here are her new goals in her own words.

1) Finish a book. Any book. 2) Read some trip related literature 3) Cut down on TV watching (except the news) 4) Figure out that Visa thing 5) Smile once a day. A real smile.

I worked some on the Visa thing, but no answers the phone or email…

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Goals, Jonesing For A Hitchcock Marathon, Exploding Things And The Lack Of Good Manners, Tomb Raiders, Or Why Is It So Friggin’ Hard To Answer The Gorram Phone?

By Kiki Keane

Rachel had a dinner engagement tonight that did not end until late, so I have been tasked with writing our weekly goal blog. And without further preamble…


I can’t believe how terrible Rachel and I have been about keeping up with this blog. I guess having time and access to the internet has not, for me, been conducive to productivity. Unless you consider watching all the available seasons of Rizzoli and Isles productive.

For those of you who have been reading this blog for the last few months the following will not be much of a surprise to you: I did not accomplish a single goal. Hey! Why break my streak? Wouldn’t want to disappoint! However, I did actually attempt to figure out the Visa thing, but apparently those who work at the consulates and Embassy only work for four hours a day and don’t like to answer their phones when they are suppose to be at work. I got a pretty speedy response to email, but it didn’t actually answer my question. Finally, today I was able to get through to the people at the Chicago consulate, but it has only added a possible problem. So annoying. If I ran the world things would run smoothly and there would be no Visas and anyone who was unhelpful would deal with the Red Queen!

So my new goals are the same as my last. Lets hope I don’t discover any new TV series or movies. Although, I am jonesing for a Hitchcock marathon…

1) Finish a book. Any book. 2) Read some trip related literature 3) Cut down on TV watching (except the news) 4) Figure out that Visa thing 5) Smile once a day. A real smile.

Before I move on to Rachel’s goals, I want to pass on Richard Engel’s interesting piece on tomb raiders in Egypt post revolution.

Also, I may have been sheltered as kid (which is funny considering I lived in Hawaii, several towns in New York and spent summers in Japan all before the age of 10), but I was shocked when I moved to New Mexico and I saw that people set up tents where they sell lots and lots and lots of exploding things around the fourth of July and people buy those exploding things and then make them explode at 11 o’clock AT NIGHT waking the slumbering person minding her own business, having pleasant dreams about pie that makes you lose weight when you eat it… I’m all for celebration and exploding things, but I prefer them at reasonable hour. I mean, causing loud explosions late at night is just bad manners.


Rachel did not finish a book, but she started three: Anna Karenina, A Brief History of Time by Stephan Hawking, and Relativity by Albert Einstein. She did not watch a movie, but she did watch several episodes of Bones and a few debates. She says that she was cheery on some days and not so cheery on others (I can’t verify the cherry days ’cause I don’t think I was there for them…). I was there for the prank call to our friend about Hairy Balls.

Her new goals are: 1) Actually finish a book instead of starting several new books 2) Watch a movie 3) Feel good about herself 4) Write Haiku

Collective Goals:

Practice Arabic and write blog posts!

Categories: Adventure, Books, Goals, Life, Media, Nerd, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , | Leave a comment

Sad Goodbyes, Goals Accomplished (?) And New One’s Made, Or We Are To Tired And Cranky To Come Up With A Better Title…

By: Kiki Keane and Rachel Womek

It is goal time again!


I hope you are doing well Constant Readers because my week is sucking. Yesterday my favorite tarantula passed away for no discernible reason and tonight I have to entertain both my sisters and their friends even though all I want to do is curl up with my book and curse society.

I got 1/2 of my goals accomplished. I read Prey by Michael Crichton and I Blogged about GLBTQ. I did not watch a movie nor did I post photos to the blog. Shame on me.

New Goals:

1)Read two books 2) Watch two movies 3) Be optimistic


Okay. If this were a society in which people were flogged for not doing what they say they are going than I would be in deep doodoo. Normally, I at least have my movie goal to make feel like I’m not a total failure, but this week…well…I should be flogged. However, I was a social butterfly ALL DAY LONG on Sunday (I hate being social), so I should get some points for that. Right? Right?

I did accomplish the collective goals, though. I studied Arabic and now know about 10 simple sentence structures, which would be useful if I could just remember the damnable words! I also got two vaccines on Tuesday: finished the Hep B series and started the Hep A. I’ll be done with my Typhoid vaccine tomorrow (I went for the pill option because it lasts longer).

New Goals:

1) Read a novel and a book relevant to my trip 2) Watch a movie 3) Call the Visa folks 4) Finish 1984 and 5) Not panic

Collective Goals:

Study Arabic

Categories: Adventure, Books, Bull, GLBT, Goals, Life, Nerd | Tags: , , , , , | Leave a comment

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