Posts Tagged With: National Novel Writing Month

A Blog In Which I Admit That I Have A Productivity Problem. It’s Called Television.

By Kiki Keane

I must admit that once again I have been completely unproductive. I should be working. I have lots of writing and editing to do. I should have written a post or two or three for my other blog. I should have come up with something to write for this blog. I should have read some of my book club book. I should have written something for NaNoWriMo project.

So what have I done with my time? Watch television. I sat down to eat something and thought I’d watch an episode of CSI. Six hours later…

So, I’ve decided to try and actually divide up my day so that I can get something done. I know. I know. I’ve done this before and I came back with big red F on my forehead. But didn’t someone once say that if at first you don’t succeed you should try, try again? So I’m going to hope that my stubbornness and determination to be productive will win out over my tv addicted brain.

Also, for some reason I have a sudden urge to own a bookstore…



Categories: Books, Life, Media, Nerd, Procrastination, Work | Tags: , , , | Leave a comment

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