Colder Than a Witches Tit in a Brass Bra

By: Rachel Womek

Today my co-worker observed a female student wearing an extremely small and skin-tight top. “Why would she wear that?” He wondered. “It’s so cold”. “Whatever”, I scoffed, “if she wants to freeze in her ridiculousness that’s her prerogative.”  Later, however, I got to thinking about it.  Why do women torture themselves to appear sexually attractive?  Why do they (I am using “they” despite the fact of  my inclusion in the female sex because I don’t participate in these torturous behaviors) clamp metal guillotines on their eyelashes, walk about in pinching, chafing, stilt-like shoes, and wear skimpy scraps of material on their body on frigid spring mornings?

Because our society dictates that women measure their self-worth by the degree to which males find them desirable.  And they do.

From an early age our parents and our culture teaches women their “proper” place in the world they have been born into.  Wear pink, play with dolls, be a princess, someday you’ll marry, don’t talk to strangers…you are a delicate and precious flower that needs to be nourished and protected from the big and dangerous world of men.  At least that’s how it was when I was a kid. Now it seems like girls are getting a mixed message and they don’t know which side to listen to. You’re independent and strong…but you’re my precious baby girl.  The result seems to be women who are dependent and manipulated,  but who don’t realize it.  You have to work hard and look beautiful, have a career and snag yourself a husband, be wise in the ways of the world but never physically age.

I am not saying that a women shouldn’t dress up or put on makeup if that’s what she wants, but she should do it for herself, not because she needs validation.  Trust me : if you need to freeze your tits off to catch him he’s not worth it!

Hey guys: If you ever encounter this situation with a girl you are interested in maybe the nice thing would be to offer her your jacket. Let her know that you care about her comfort more than her cleavage.  Hopefully next time she’ll be sensible enough to bring her own.

Note: I am not trying to be biased in only addressing straight women.  In my experience it is mostly the straight women who have this issue.  Just to be clear women should also not measure their self-worth based on the degree to which women find them desirable.

Categories: Feminism | Tags: , , , , , | 3 Comments

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3 thoughts on “Colder Than a Witches Tit in a Brass Bra

  1. Lynn

    While I absolutely agree with the sentiments behind this post, it’s possible that she just likes the cold and, in fact, enjoys having her arms bare more in a chilly wind than a balmy summer day. I do. It’s sort of annoying when people think I’m trying to be sexy when I’m just trying to catch a breeze. /near total irrelevance

  2. That is an excellent point however this girl looked very uncomfortable. Definitely something to bear in mind though. Thanks!

  3. Pingback: Brass bra | Christianwarne

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